We made them ourselves

We love designing our own badges.  We try to create badges that are appropriate for different genders and different age groups.

You are welcome to purchase the badges either individually or as part of a group or organisation.

We generally provide optional challenges to keep you busy over the holidays or weekends.  Or if you just want to purchase the badge because it looks good, that's fine too.

Adulting Is A Challenge

Adulting is a Challenge

Bee Challenge

Bee Challenge

Blank Badge Square INTB

Blank Badge

Doughnut Challenge Badge

Doughnut Challenge

Halloween Badge Woven


Mug Badge Woven

I Made it in a Mug

Just Disgusting INTB

Just Disgusting

Leap Year Frog Woven

Leap Year

INTB Life Skills 4 Kids Badge

Life Skills 4 Kids

Mates Day badge

Mates Day (May 8)

Palaeontology Woven


Rainy Camp badge

Rainy Camp in Ballarat

Scarecrow And Garden Gnome Badge INTB

Scarecrows & Garden Gnomes

Teen Life Skills INTB

Teen Life Skills

Online Woven

We did it online

Well Done Unicorn INTB

Well Done Badge

Thank You Unicorn INTB

Thank You Badge

Happy Birthday Badge INTB

Birthday Badge

Aussie Christmas INTB

Aussie Christmas

Stay At Home

Stay at Home