A rainy camp in Ballarat?
That's just Drizzle
Those who camp regularly in Ballarat will have memories of at least some rainy camps. And it can occur at any time of the year regardless of thoughtful planning.
During 2022, proceeds from this gorgeous badge were distributed to the 1st Sebastopol Guides (Ballarat District) as a fundraiser for youth members attending the Kani-Karrung Jamboree. Badges are still available.
The irony here is that the jamboree is to held in Ballarat at a venue that experienced a downpour during the Scout Jamboree in 1992. It was the wettest January on record at the time.
In addition to a bit of intentional humour, this badge is just so cute.
Badge Details
- 75mm H x 48mm W
- sew-on backing

I clearly remember several camps at Lingbogol as a Guide youth member where our Leaders were out during heavy rainfall digging trenches around our ridge pole tents while we were safe and dry inside the tent. Thank you to our dedicated Leaders.
One of the memorable moments of camping in the rain at 4th Ballarat Girl Guides was seeing a girl standing out in the rain stoking the copper. There was a rainbow over the girl and the copper. Everyone else was watching the in den and keeping dry.