Perfect activity during Leap Year
You and your friends are enjoying a visit to the amphibian section of the local wildlife park, noticing the assortment of coloured frogs and different habitats. You are totally absorbed in the displays and become separated from your group. You realise that the park has closed and that you are now locked inside with the croaking frogs.
There is a combination padlock on the exit door but you will need to work out the correct code to unlock it.
This activity is designed to review knowledge of the life cycle of a frog in a fun, interactive way. Students read information provided on cards and answer questions directly related to the text on each card. The recorded answers are used to find mystery letters, reveal a mystery code and eventually decipher the ‘unlock code’ that will allow them to open the combination lock to escape the amphibian enclosure.
The answers must all be correct to reach the correct unlock code.
* Instructions and Background Story: to increase engagement and provide an explanation as to why there is a need to decipher the 4-digit code.
* Crack-the-Code Deciphering Sheet to record answers and codes.
* 10 x Q&A Cards: containing information about the life cycle of the frog.
* Answer Envelope: printable envelope containing the unlock code for checking results.
* Solution Sheet
This activity is ready to print and use exactly as it is. Just position the cards around the area and provide the students with the instructions and decoding sheet.
To add to the atmosphere, you might choose to set an actual combination lock to the correct code. Or expand the activity to create a wide game by providing mini challenges or activities at each card.
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